Friday, October 26, 2007

thursday and friday

thursday and friday
on thursday we spent most of our time in the workshop trying to complete our carry all. i got all my cutting and chiseling out of the way and was up to gluing and slash clamping after lunch we went into another class room and all put in ideas for our construction sequence, then we were back in the work shop , befor the day had come to a end i managed to get my carry all glued and clamped up , i left it over nite to set.
The next day we were in the workshop first thing and i removed the clamps that were set over nite and found that my carry all looked prety good , so i cleaned it up with the belt sander and a bit of glue which finshed it off. by this time we started to put our portfoilo for this task together it cosisited of materials handling, using tools and equipment, commuintation in the work place,plan reading, take 5 , cost sheet, construction sequence and self analysis.

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