Thursday, January 24, 2008


to day is friday we started off. workin outside by finshing off the joist on the sub floor and we cut half of the strip floor which was pretty good .
then we went inside and completed the drawings for the sub floor.
in the after noon we we nt on the computers and did a bit of research on e beam deep joist

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


today i came to tafe at lunch time because i was in perth 4 my wrist . when i got there we had al ready dug the holes and placed all the stumps in the correct positions . then by using the lazer level we marked all the stumps to the correct height and i went round with the square and squared the stumps off ready to be cut of using the saw then we cut afew bearers to length and hand nailed them ontop of the stumps. i wrote up the construction sequence for saftley cutting the stumps . and what hazards we came across in this process...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

friday and monday

on friday we started off with doing our site plan, safty plan and construction plan for leveling and setout ..
after luch we completed our second on the cary all it was prety easy i hope i did well.
for the end of the day we learnt about sole plates, bearers stumps and floor joist

this morning we started of by doing a bigger version on the sub floor we did a actual plan for a home west house in australind. and we did a cutting and cost list of that same plan

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

class room

to day we were in the class room all day,
prety lucky really because it was very hottt!!!!! outside and there was air con in the class room.
firstly we started finshing our leveling and setting out booklet,
then we started on a booklet on australian standards on framing AS1684, which was very intresting to know the standards that we work by and what every tradesman should know and work by. then we did some workin out to do with how many bearers , stumps, sole plates and joists we needed 4 wall framing and strip fllooring which was very hard to get around but i got it in the end. we also did some working out to c how much sheet flooring was required 4 a platform floor 4 a building

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


in the morning we split up into 2 groups and we set up the dumpy level outside to plot the rise and fall around the tafe campus.
we had a starting point called the dadum and 15 other plot points around the campus in a full circut. after completing the circut using the dumpy level we ended up being 300mm out from the starting dadum point, which wasnt really that great because the other group were olny 45mm out from there starting point.
when we got back to class we completed a graph on our results, it was very intersting to see it on paper and much easier 4 me to understand.


today was the first day bak 4 a new year at tafe.
we did a fair bit today firstly we went to the computers to research leveling and all different types of leveling,
we had to choose one type of leveling and had to complete a prestation on it,
i choose a water level and found this type of leveling very interesting , i also learnt somethink i didnt know to much about.
after we completed our prestations we went outside and learnt how to set up and use a dumpy level also a lazer level. it was great . .